Contact Me

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I am on Twitter as @hsabomilner


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3 responses to “Contact Me

  1. shmuel and esther schlanger

    Hi Haddasah
    we noticed that you now use the image of our mikvah on your website , can you please call us or contact us, to discuss, obviously you do your work leshem shomayim so we look foward to hearing from you soon.
    Rabbi Shmuel &Esther M Schlanger
    Bakersfield CA
    661 331 1695

  2. Dear Hadassah

    Had to let you know that my eldest daughter has just started Hasmo, and an exercise book tumbled out of her bag this evening, saying on the front, “Subject: Ivrit; Teacher: Mrs Moore” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wishing you & yours a shana tova


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