Hadassah’s Chicken Pot Pie

I love to make this recipe with chicken that was cooked in my chicken soup. Yum! There are a couple of my offspring who do not like this dish, so it was renamed in the Pink household as Poison Pot Pie….but it’s delicious whichever name you call it! Please also remember that I approximate measurements.


One pkg Prepared Pastry (yes you can cheat – but it still has to be rolled out)

1/2 pkg froz veggies of your choice

1/3 cup Margarine

1/3 cup Flour

1/3 cup diced Onion

2 cups Chicken Broth

2 cups cooked Chicken – chopped

Salt and Pepper to taste

What to do:

Preheat oven to 350.

Melt the margarine – low to medium flame.

Slowly add the flour and onion.

Mix it well till it is like a chunky paste.

Stir it continuously until it bubbles.

Add in the chicken broth, and the salt and pepper.


Add chicken and frozen veggies.

Stir well.

Boil up and leave to simmer.

Prepare pastry on pie dish. Set aside enough pastry for the top.

Fill till just a little below the top with chicken mixture.

Cover carefully with pastry, poke holes in the top.

Bake for 30 – 35 minutes until golden brown.

Prep time – 30 minutes

Servings – 6

Calories – Plenty!

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6 responses to “Hadassah’s Chicken Pot Pie

  1. when we were at a kosher grocery shop last week to get food for my 2 kosher keeping wedding guests, we totally picked up some matza meal so we can try your matza ball soup recipe. 🙂 Just have to get through all these wedding leftovers first…

  2. ladylockandload

    Hmmm, wonder how many points this is on Weight watchers, probably a zillion, LOL. Cooking is very different now that my daughter is on weight watchers, but we certainly are eating well.

  3. i am sure there is way to do it low cal – let me look into it.

    how many points can you have per day?

  4. ladylockandload

    My daughter has 22 points per day.

  5. Sounds delicious … Laila .. http://lailablogs.com/

  6. totally making this tonight. Chicken pot pie was my favorite as a kid! I also hate wasting the chicken from my chicken soup. Great recipe!

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