Daily Archives: May 25, 2009

80s chick and proud of it!

I know it’s almost the next decade of the 2000s but there are some major parts of me that are still stuck in the 80s. I was born in the early 1970s, so I look on the 80s as my coming of age years. My favourite movies – Flashdance, Dirty Dancing, Pretty in Pink, Footloose, Fame etc – I have them all on DVD and watch them often.


I still wear legwarmers and still possess off the shoulder sweatshirts like Alex did in Flashdance. We all tore up our jeans – which is so standard now. I remember my grandma being so shocked with those jeans, offering to sew up the rips. We wore big shoulder pads like they did on Dynasty and Dallas. We wore slouch socks (I still have some) and keds. We had those clip thingies to tie a knot in our shirts.


I know all the words to Madonna’s songs and can croon all of Lionel Richie’s love songs. The first song I remember being performed on TV was Wham!’s Wake Me Up Before You Go-go – I was home sick and it was daytime TV. We loved Duran Duran and dreamed of meeting Michael Jackson.


I miss the days when I had big hair and tied lace in it, to match the fingerless lace gloves that I still possess. I liked a mullet on a guy back then – thankfully that has changed! We spent hours crimping our hair too – no one does that anymore. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. We even wore ponytails on the sides of our heads. Can’t really carry that off anymore at my age.


I became an expert on the handheld orange Donkey Kong game and the red Mario brothers game. I can still hear the tune in my head. We learned what Atari was and spent hours playing PONG – the kids today would be bored rigid playing that game! We broke our heads trying to do the Rubik’s cube – my brother solved it…. We also thought boom boxes were the coolest thing. I remember in the mid 80s my brother got a rubber keyed computer – the ZX Spectrum, which we operated with a tape recorder to save our BASIC programs.


The Care bears and the Cabbage Patch dolls – we all wanted them, the my little ponies too. Strawberry Shortcake – if you had any of her stuff you were set for life in school.


Oh what a trip down memory lane, and it all started with my buddy posting a youtube video on my FaceBook of limahl with “a neverending story.”


What are your favourite 80s memories?

Jewish Wedding Network

Please go over to the Jewish Wedding Network to read my piece on Mikvah. Click around the site too – it’s awesome. Thank you JWN for the opportunity to write for you.

Frumster Files – why continue

I recently received this email:


Dear Hadassah

I really enjoy reading your Frumster posts but I was wondering why you are still writing about dating if you are happily married. I would of thought you would be happy to leave it all behind.

CC in New York


Here is my response:

Dear CC,

I am B”H happily married to my KoD and I wouldn’t change that for the world. Ever. I am also thrilled to not be in the dating world any longer. I am so thankful that that dating part of my life is over. But, CC, I still have a lot of single friends in that world, and I have a lot of experience with frum dating that I hope people can learn from.

 I don’t turn my back on friends, ever, and I have been told that my Frumster File posts are helpful – perhaps even in just helping people to know that they are not the only ones to be in a specific situation.

 My blog is a useful tool also for those seeking advice but don’t know how to get it, or they wish to remain anonymous but still have people’s input. Not all my Frumster Files stories are about me or my experiences – and I do encourage everyone to write in with a WWYD or a story that happened to them.

CC – it’s all about giving back. I found my beshert after a lot of hard work, let me help others find theirs.




Just to note, folks, that if you do want to write in with a story or a WWYD or anything dating related, my email is hadassahsabo at gmail dot com. Confidentiality will be respected.

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After a night of excess

Gerry the Giraffe finally finds a place to lay his head.


poor Gerry – it was a hard night of drinking, I figured i would let him rest.


(I found him on my power walk this morning….)