Tag Archives: greeting card

“For the one I love”

I spent hours looking for a greeting card to give to my husband on our wedding day. We are both very much into giving each other cards, always looking for the ones with deep meaning. I like to hide cards and messages for him to find when I am not around – I love seeing the smile on his face when he finds them and reads them.


So after many hours of searching in many stores I found the perfect one. It was simple, not too wordy and left plenty of space for me to write my message (I am never brief as I am sure you have realized). On the front it said “for the one I love” – with a very brief message printed inside. I filled it up with a message written from my heart.


I gave KoD the card after the chuppah – he was touched and awed. It was a perfect moment. Little did I know…..


So, two days after the wedding we drove back together to Monsey, where KoD had not been since 3 days before the wedding. I walked into our bedroom to see a card laying on what is now my pillow. I opened the envelope – it was the same card I had bought for him!!! How is that even possible, that 330 miles away from each other, we both choose the same perfect card to give to each other on the occasion of our marriage?


Fate, kismet, coincidence – call it what you want. I just call it “us”.