Tag Archives: royal wedding

The Royal Wedding (Part Three – The Celebration)


Part One

Part Two


The King of Diamonds and the Queen of Hearts briefly spent some much needed alone time together, had some formal portraits taken for the royal album and the stamps that will soon be issued to commemorate their union. The immediate family joined the couple for photographs, and then it was time for the bride and groom to greet their guests.


Sir Alastair, Master of the Queen’s Music, (who is only 17 and did an awesome job) started playing the introductory music, the couple was introduced as Mr and Mrs KoD to the crowd, and the festivities started!! The Queen was carried off to dance with the ladies, KoD carried off to dance with the gents. The Queen was in her element, in the centre of her circle, dancing in turn with the two Queen Mothers, one of whom showed the younger folk exactly how to cut a rug in style. Rock On Ma!!


The dancing was fast and furious, and the Queen who had been fasting all day, felt the lights spin around her a little too fast for her liking. She had been dancing energetically with the multicoloured Lady Dee when she felt her balance desert her. She crumpled to a semi-upright heap on the floor – and one of her lovely handmaidens brought her a glass of water. The Queen had neglected to remember that she had been fasting all day, and had had but one cup of coffee all that day. All that exertion overtaxed her royal highness.


Meanwhile, over on the side where the menfolk were partying, Prince Squiggy, with a broken leg and stuck in a wheelchair, was hoisted up into the air in order to feel a part of the celebrations. I am of the opinion, as were many in attendance, that it was just as well the QoH didn’t witness this, as she would have had another collapse. I was however assured, when I enquired about the safety of this stunt, that he was belted in, and there was no possibility of him falling out.


The princes (the littler ones) were hoisted on shoulders by their uncles, and totally enjoyed the music and the dancing. Prince ChatterBox totally enjoyed running around with his betrothed, Princess Blondie.


The music ended, and all made their way to the lavishly decorated tables in order to partake of the royal wedding feast. Sir Marmaduke of Flintshire, Master of the Ceremonies, was in charge of making sure the afternoon ran smoothly. He performed his duties well – even when holding his dear sweet baby. He started off with a toast to his sister and her new husband – it was heartfelt and sweet, and the Queen was observed to shed a tear or two.


The KoD’s oldest brother, the Duke of LaCrosse, then arose to speak to the assembled guests. An accomplished speaker, he held everyone’s attention until he sat down to a loud applause. His words were spoken from the heart, and so apropos to the royal couple – his affection for them was obvious to all to see.


As the meal progressed, the happiness level in the Great Hall rose, everyone there was just so thrilled to be part of this special occasion.


There were more speeches, but our dear Queen chose not to speak, even though some of her closest ladies-in-waiting did ask it of her. She felt too emotional – she had held back tears for most of the day, she didn’t want to lose it now.


The Revered Rabbi shared some religious thoughts with us – he always speaks so well, and we were all honoured by his presence, and that of his lovely wife Lady Celia, Keeper of the Royal Secrets. Prince Lenny then briefly took the floor, giving his mother and her new husband his best wishes for their marriage. Then, as a last minute request was granted by the Queen, Lord Antony of Hallamshire, Knight Marshal, the Queen’s older brother, rose to address the assembled nobilty. Now, being an older brother, he was a little cheeky, alluding to the Queen’s actual age – but his speech was so full of love that the Queen had to giggle at his antics. However, she will get him back at some point, but will bide her time until then.


KoD spoke also, welcoming guests from far and near, and he even told a joke. The Queen of Hearts looked adoringly upon her man as he spoke, and more teardrops were spied falling from her eyes.


As I sit here chronicling the lovely spectacle of this royal wedding I am transported back to that day – I wish there would be a way to bottle the feeling in that Great Hall and sell it. The joy was just so palpable. The smiles and hugs abounded.


Finally, as the sumptuous meal drew to a close, it was time for Grace after Meals. Seeing as this was a celebratory meal, the honour of leading the Benediction was handed out to an honoured guest – in this case the Honorable Viscount Eli, Keeper of the Royal Chronicles, of the court of the King of Diamonds. At the end of the benediction there were seven specific blessings directed towards the royal couple. Among those honoured were Sir Julius the famed “Flying Dutchman”, Sir Redbeard of Bedfordshire and the Queen’s honorary brother Sir Curlsalot.


After the Grace was completed it was time for the honoured guests to take their leave, and return to the far flung corners of their respective kingdoms. The Queen and her King thanked everyone personally for gracing them with their presence. Finally, it was just the King and Queen and C/V and Lady Diddliedee left in the Great Hall. These two ladies have been awesome ladies-in-waiting, and the Queen has asked me to inform you that she has promoted them both, and they can now call themselves Dames of the Diamond-Heart’s Empire.


The torches were blown out as the King and Queen departed from the Great Hall, to begin their lives together.


Hand in hand they walked off together into the sunset. (well, they would have done had there been no snow on the ground…)


….and they lived happily ever after……..

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The Royal Wedding (Part One – before the ceremony)


 As written by the Royal Scribe.

 Sunday morning, the sun rose peacefully over the Kingdom of Hearts, shining its happy light upon the Queen and her loyal subjects, all gathered at her court to celebrate her union with the King of Diamonds. The KoD’s court had trekked up to the wilds of the frozen tundra for this momentous occasion.

 Among the guests were both Queen Mothers – flown in on the wings of love from distant corners of the world. The Queen Mother of Hearts was joined by her husband the Prince Consort. The Queen Mother of Diamonds was escorted by her oldest son, the Duke of LaCrosse.


 The Queen’s brothers travelled over many miles in order to make it to this momentous occasion, traversing seas, fighting armies, slaying dragons etc – and to honour them for this tremendous effort the Queen has renamed them –Lord Antony of Hallamshire, Knight Marshal; and Sir Marmaduke  of Flintshire, Master of the Ceremonies, whose lovely wife also joined him on his long trek, the fair maiden, Lady Rose.


 Prime Minister Z! and her husband R rode their chariot all the way up from the wilds of New York to partake in the festivities – we honour them for this effort.


Early in the morning the Queen arose in a radiant mood, her warmth and happiness bestowing light and warm fuzzies upon all who came into contact with her. Her princes awoke with smiles upon their faces and with so much love in their hearts. They even showered without complaint.


 The first order of the day, after the royal coffee was percolated and drunk (before daybreak, as the Queen had orders to fast on this, her special day) was that the Queen and Queen Mother were to put themselves in the hands of the Royal Artist who was deputized on that special day to make our Queen look even more spectacular than she does on a regular day using cosmetics and the like. Lady Amy acquitted herself impeccably and the results were stunning. Lady Annie worked on the Queen Mother with equally spectacular results.


 Once the Queen had returned to her chamber, it was time to dress. She was ably assisted by the Queen Mother and the lovely Lady Rose. It was remarked by all, once the dress and veil were in place, how lovely our Queen looked – her joy was palpable and sang out to all of us as she passed us on her way to the Great Hall.


 With much pomp and pageantry the Queen of Hearts was settled in the bridal antechamber near to the Great Hall, and sat there in her special white throne of honour. Our Queen decided to take time at this juncture to communicate with G-d – to thank Him for the blessings she had received, and for the joy she felt at uniting kingdoms with the King of Diamonds. Once she was finished with her prayers, the royal photographer, Sir Nicholas, arrived to capture the Queen in her bridal finery on film, to keep for all posterity.


 At this point all the honoured guests started to arrive at the Great Hall, renewing old acquaintances and creating new ones. The Queen was anxious to hear word that the King of Diamonds had arrived and was waiting for her under the marriage canopy. The fixed hour for their marriage approached – and the Queen wanted to greet her King. (especially having not seen him for a long time nor texted nor spoken to him since the night before). The Queen kept sending minions to find out the status quo until she finally heard that her King had indeed arrived.


 The honoured Rabbi entered the Queen’s antechamber to bless her just before he performed the ceremony. The Queen was deeply moved by his words and blinked back a tear or two. Once this was done, there was much scurrying about while the guests arranged themselves near the marriage canopy.


 Four very respectable men were chosen to hold up the canopy, beautifully adorned with the tallit that the Queen Mother of Hearts and her Prince Consort had gifted to the KoD on this momentous occasion. While the canopy was being erected, the Rabbi supervised as the KoD donned his Kittel, his white garment that he wore as a sign of purity. Once the Chuppah (marriage canopy) was in place, it was time to proceed with the ceremony.


 A page was dispatched to call the Queen from her bridal throne. She was more than ready, having spent the last few minutes in silent contemplation of the solemnity of the occasion. As she readied herself, the King of Diamonds stood under the Chuppah to wait for his bride.



to be continued…..


(part two)

(part three)

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