Easy Shmeezy Latkes

Seriously there is something about hand-grated potatoes for latkes that makes them extra special. And it is as easy to make them as shown. Promise!!

23 responses to “Easy Shmeezy Latkes

  1. Huh? What type of peeler is she using? I have never seen a chef use one of those besides for garnishing! In culinary school (Le Cordon Bleu) we were taught that its a big no no. They do not work as well and take off more of the fruit / vegetable.

  2. When I make potato latkes, I always grate an onion into my potatoes, maybe 1 small onion for every 3-4 potatoes. And I agree, hand grated is special, I would only use a machine if I am doing more than 5 lbs or so.

    • it’s the grated knuckles that gives it that special taste, hey, Mark?

      • LOL … sometimes. Though I’ve had good luck with my box graters, Near the end of grating each item (potato in this case), I place my palm over the item being grated and slide from the top as much as possible and then squeeze the last bits through the holes of the grater. And if a few slightly larger chunks end up in the mixture, it’s fine because the mix doesn’t have to be completely uniform anyway.

  3. wheh you do a LOT of latkes, you need a LOT of muscles to grate them by hand.
    I prefer the machine…

  4. lady lock and load

    Very nice! Now why wasn’t I invited to the latke party?

  5. Fantastic video, I loved the latke making and Jaime is adorable. Yay Kosher.com!
    I have but one really importnat issue, you neglected to mention how do I get the frying smell out of my linens. On Chanukah, which I love, I always go to sleep with on latke smelling pillows (which I really don’t like at all.
    I have tried candles, air fresheners, and opening all the windows.
    Dear Mavens, any advice would be most appreciated.

    • 1. Turn the exhaust fan on high while frying. If you don’t have an externally vented exhaust fan, then frying smells will always be a problem to some extent.
      2. Open a window in the kitchen.
      3. Close all the bedroom doors and make sure they remain closed until 15 minutes after you are done frying.

      And even when you do all of this (as we do when frying), the house will always smell somewhat of frying. When I come home after work, I can always tell if dinner includes something that was fried just by sniffing as I enter the house 🙂

      Masking the smell with other smells never helps, you just end up with latke-smell AND flower-smell together (which IMO is worse).

      If you have a grill with a side burner, you could also fry outdoors in which case you would shut all the windows. This solves all the frying odor problems.

    • Chanukah means everything smells….accept it…sigh

  6. Opps, I meant Jamie. So sorry.

  7. A friend taught me to put 1/2 a carrot in the frying pan and it keeps the oil (or whatever) from smoking.
    I also add onion.
    I use flour instead of matza meal and a few years ago read a suggestion to add baking powder as well. With the baking powder they fluff up and look really special (although it doesn’t add anything to the taste).

  8. Onions add tremendous flavor to latkes!
    I’m surprised she left them out.
    (I’m also surprised at the peeler she chose – Kuhn Rikon all the way!)

    {and pardon me…. but who makes only FOUR POTATOES worth of latkes??!?!}

    • G6 – who makes 4 potatoes worth of latkes? people who are filming and don’t have time to fry up 5 lbs of latkes!!! Didn’t miss the onions in this – they were so perfect, and tears while grating!

  9. lady lock and load

    I find the peelers (kuhn rikon) and others that are shaped like a horse shoe easier to use than what Jamie was using but she seemed very comfortable using it.
    My mother used to make latkes out of four potatoes if she was making latkes for two people. You can always double the recipe.

  10. lady lock and load

    I use scallions in my secret latke recipe…out of this world!

  11. I make about 6-7 lbs. and the processor does all the work!

  12. Another suggestion to eliminate odor in the home is to get one of those electric fryers. There are electric deep-fryers available, and there are also electric skillets (which would be more appropriate for latkes) available. Then simply do your frying outdoors. Voila, no odor in the house!

What do YOU think?