Daily Archives: August 4, 2009

Sharon’s Lasagna

Last night for dinner I made lasagna. This is my neighbour Sharon’s recipe. It is sooo easy. No pots to wash. I like recipes like this.

Ingredients :
one jar of marinara sauce
one container of cottage cheese
one package of shredded mozzarella
lasagna noodles

Spread a little sauce on the bottom of the nine by thirteen pan.
Lay down three uncooked noodles.
Spread layer of cottage cheese, some sauce, and mozzarella cheese.
Continue layering two more times, ending up with cheese on the top.
Add one cup of water and close pan tightly with foil, bake at 350 for two hours at least.

It was so delicious, and perfectly cooked. (and no green peppers in it LOL)

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Bliss is…

We have been married for almost 6 months at this point. Most of the time we spend together is over Shabbat. So there are a lot of everyday mundane things that we don’t get to do together, being that we live apart for now.

I arrived in Monsey on Sunday for more than just a day or two. Not for good, mind you, because we don’t have the visas yet, but for a decent period of time.

Yesterday I saw my husband off to work, a very wifely thing to do, very normal and usual. But I enjoyed it. I spent the day doing laundry, chasing after kids, grocery shopping, baking and cooking dinner. Regular chores, right? But I have never done them here on a regular day. That makes it exciting and a little overwhelming* at the same time too.

Baking treats for my husband, calling him in the middle of the day just to know how his day is going, getting supper together and setting the table. How many of us take these simple things for granted? I love it. I loved sitting here, with supper cooked, waiting to hear the garage door open. Asking the KoD how his day was like so many other spouses the world over. Serving him dinner amongst the chatter of the children.

I know once we move down permanently many of these things will become rote and routine, but for now I am enjoying every minute.

*Overwhelming – why? Imagine you’ve lived in a city for years, you know where to shop for everything, who has the best deals, freshest produce, best service, where is the best place to go for what etc. You have your residence set up the way you want it with everything just so, to suit your needs. Then displace yourself to a different country, different house, differently stocked kitchen, and immediately expect to be able to do it all the same way. FISH out of WATER. Being a perfectionist doesn’t help in the slightest. I did have a brief period of panic yesterday. But once I got into the groove in KoD’s kitchen the panic melted away. I need to learn to stop putting so much pressure on myself.

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