Daily Archives: August 11, 2009

As Promised, Update

I have not been ignoring the blog, I have just been way too busy to sit down and write. The kids were with us in Monsey for a week, and it was hectic beyond belief. We all had an awesome time, even if it was just being around the house doing banal stuff. The kids were in and out all the time, friends over here, friend over there. We were never sure how many people we would be for meals – it was awesome!

monsey 015I took the kids to the Palisades mall and watched their mouths drop open at the sheer size of the place. They found nirvana too – the LEGO store. I treated them to a movie –G-Force. We were the only people in the movie theatre. It was a very cute movie – something that we all enjoyed.

We also made the trek into Brooklyn for lunch on 13th avenue one day, and then we hit the Aquarium. It was awesome. I love watching the seals. It was also a day when I met two of my blog readers / new friends. Girls, you know who you are – thanks for spending time with us. It was truly awesome to meet you.

Shabbat was great, KoD and I had our first ever stay-over Shabbat guest. David – ‘twas a pleasure. Come again, any time!

Sunday came and it was time to take the boys back to Montreal. It was a longer than usual drive, seems like everyone was out on the roads. We waited an hour at least at the border, but we enjoyed the scenery – lots of Harleys waiting in line. A car in front of us stalled so its occupants actually pushed it over the border into Canada.

I drove back to my KoD yesterday, alone in the car. I am exhausted. I have so much that is percolating in my head to be written about. All in due time. Hope you are all having a great summer.

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on its way….