Denial needs to end

Another 3 day holiday / shabbat marathon starts tomorrow night. I have no menus planned, no food purchased. I. Just. Can’t. Deal.

Maybe tomorrow I will wake up all energized and organized?

10 responses to “Denial needs to end

  1. I agree!!! But think of it this way, this is the last yom tov tell pasaech!!

  2. lady lock and load

    I love to cook and don’t mind it Boruch Hashem. I love to try new recipes and be creative. I also made doubles for first days so I would have some stuff in the freezer.

  3. We’re in the same boat, too. And we were in the same boat, last Tuesday night and we said we promised we wouldn’t be again. Tomorrow will be a marathon and we’ll collapse on Wednesday night on in our food. Oh well. 🙂

  4. Make Aliyah, no more three days chags. We have a day off btw. chag and shabbat.

  5. If you were in Shiloh, you’d be invited to us.
    I cooked and froze the fleishig parts of the meals a few weeks ago. I just have to prepare side dishes today.

  6. What can I say, I’m with Batya and Ariela on this one. Have a chag sameach, in any case….

  7. Bubbeleh, you just had heavy surgery. You have 5 males in your house who are perfectly able to deal. So where is the problem? If they have question, they can always ask you… Would also be important for your boys to know how to cook. What will they do when their wives get babies?

  8. I kind of got used to making the same thing week after week (flaishik meal in a pot like meatballs or pot roast; broiled Costco salmon; lasagna), but I’m actually a little tired of same old, same old. I work full time and I have no time for cute things like hearts-of-palm salad. OTOH, my girls are off from school. Maybe they’ll surprise me with some creative side dishes (almost not worth it if they don’t clean up the kitchen when they’re done).

What do YOU think?