Wednesday’s Wacky Signs

Introducing a new occasional feature “Wednesday’s Wacky Signs”

If you come across any you think I may be interested in featuring please email them to me at hadassahsabo at gmail dot com. Thanks.


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13 responses to “Wednesday’s Wacky Signs

  1. Oy! is all I gotta say!

  2. what a waste of $$$$ 🙂

  3. must be photoshopped, right? I mean…c’mon!

  4. P-H-O-T-O-S-H-O-P 🙂

  5. ;(

  6. !!!LOL!!!

  7. What a waste of money and space, but its funny.

  8. that sign is a waste of space and money which has come out of taxpayers pockets

  9. This sign makes me lol.

  10. nice!!!!

  11. Wow, anyone bitching about what a waste of space and money this sign was, has obviously never heard of photoshop. It is very clearly someones clever creation bored at home.

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